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Passionate About Inspiring Others

I Collaborate in bringing together, a local community of individuals, organizations and visionary leaders. Working to achieve wealth, evolve leadership, build self-confidence and regenerate the entrepreneur. I believe the empowerment of men & women is fundamental to the realization of these goals, and I envision a world in which all people share collective equality and use the power of love, compassion and partnership to build a thriving world.

My seminars and talks highlight solutions across all sectors – The environment, business, health, education, media and entertainment, and financial wealth. Our seminars will showcase women’s and men’s organizations working in partnership, sharing collective wisdom and intelligence to address the most critical challenges of our time:

  • Accelerating the empowerment of men, women & teens

  • Educating individuals the importance of personal development, leadership and the pursuit of a worthy goal

  • Promoting creative positive thinking

  • Teaching business and entrepreneurship

  • Regenerating the American Dream

  • An urgent call is growing for greater collaboration, enhanced visibility, increased funding and collective impact across issue silos at a scale not yet achieved. It’s time now to answer that call and stand together for change.


Minneapolis, MN 55426


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